




    George Harvey Bone is a composer in early 20th century London, who is under stress because he is writing a piano concerto. Due to this stress, he gets black outs when ever he hears dissonances. When he finds himself after the black out in a different quarter of the town, he returns home, to read in the paper that somebody in that quarter was murdered. Asking help from a doctor at Scotland Yard he is assured that he has nothing to do with it, but he is advised to cut back in his work and get some relaxation like other, ordinary people. At a cheap musical he meets Netta, a singer, who inspires him for a new motiv{Ziyuantun.Com}e for his concerto. But Netta discovers that this motive could also be used as a song for her. The song gets sold, and she hangs around George to get more songs out of him. George believes that Netta is in love with him, and gets in an argument with his girlfriend Barbara, the daughter of Lord Henry, who wants the concerto for one of his souares. George has another black out, ...   译文(2): 乔治 · 哈维 · 波恩是20世纪初伦敦的一位作曲家,他正在写一首钢琴协奏曲,因此倍感压{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。由于这种压力,他一听到不和谐音就会失去知觉。当他发现自己在镇上另一个地区停电后,他回到家,在报纸上看到那个地区有人被谋杀了。他向伦敦警察厅的医生寻求帮助,医生向他保证这与他无关,但建议他减少工作量,像其他普通人一样放松一下。在一部廉价的音乐剧中,他遇到了歌手内塔,内塔激发了他创作协奏曲的新动机。但是内塔发现,这个动机也可以用来作为她的一首歌。这首歌卖出去了,她就围着乔治转,想从他嘴里套出更多的歌。乔治认为内塔爱上了他,于是和他的女朋友芭芭拉发生了争执,芭芭拉是亨利勋爵的女儿,她想为他的一个苏亚雷斯演奏协奏曲。乔治又昏过去了。

