



    • 主演: 未知


    The story [ZiYuantun.Com]of a traditional Kyoto woman who runs a failing kimono business and the entrepreneurial, biracial, business consultant who comes to help keep it solvent. Along the way they fall in love, but his need for change clashes with her desire for the world to stay the same. In the end, can they change enough for each other? Set in 2018, Impossible to Imagine is a film that explores issues around identity, and how Japan is struggling to adapt and become more inclusive in the modern era even in the face of rapid depopulation. Featuring beautiful tracks from Australian/Japanese composer, Hanako Ward, and a gorgeous theme song by Jeremy Lim and Sachie Sunaga, this is a film that aims to slip into your heart, and then make you think.   译文(2): 一个传统京都妇女的故事,她经营着一家破产的和服企业,还有一个企业家,混血儿,商业顾问,来帮助维持它的偿付能{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一路走来,他们相爱了,但是他对改变的渴望与她对世界保持不变的渴望相冲突。最后,他们能为彼此改变得足够吗?故事发生在2018年,《无法想象》是一部探讨身份认同问题的电影,以及日本如何在现代社会努力适应和变得更具包容性,即使面临人口迅速减少的局面。这部电影由澳大利亚/日本作曲家华子 · 沃德的优美曲目,以及林书豪和森永幸成的华丽主题曲组成,旨在深入你的心灵,然后让你思考。

