Albert and Bruno are in the red, compulsive consumers, over-indebted, they live between petty schemes for one and a personal life adrift for the other. It is in the associative path, which they both take to get their heads above water, that they will come across young rebellious activists, climate alarmists, lovers of social justice and eco-responsib【ZiYuanTun.Com】ility. More attracted by beer and free crisps than by their arguments, Albert and Bruno will gradually integrate the movement without conviction, if not that of taking advantage of each action and each rebellion to schem and profit from it. Between ideological or suffered minimalism, between overconsumption and happy sobriety, we face the complex simplicity of our future, the oppositions and paradoxes of our time, in short, everything is fine. 译文(2): 阿尔伯特和布鲁诺处于赤字状态,他们是强迫性消费者,负债过多,他们生活在一个人的小计划和另一个人的个人生活之{资源屯}。正是在这种联想的道路上,他们两人都会遇到年轻的反叛活动家、气候危言耸听者、热爱社会公正和生态责任的人。阿尔伯特和布鲁诺更多地被啤酒和免费薯片吸引,而不是他们的论点,他们将逐渐融入这场运动,即使不是利用每一个行动和每一次叛乱来谋划和从中获利,也没有信念。在意识形态或受苦的极简主义之间,在过度消费和快乐的清醒之间,我们面对着我们未来的复杂简单,我们时代的对立和悖论,总之,一切都很好。