
主演:Fred Bercovitch Lisa Clifton-Bumpass Anne Innis Dagg 

导演:Alison Reid 





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In1956, four years before Jane Goodall ventured into the world of chimpanzees and seven years before Dian Fossey left to work with mountain gorillas, in fact, before anyone, man or woman had made such a trip, 23-year old Canadian biologist, Anne Innis Dagg, made an unprecedented solo journey to South Africa to become the first person in the world to study animal behavior in the wild on that continent. When she returned home a year later armed with ground-breaking research, the insurmountable barriers she faced as a female scientist proved much harder to overcome. In 1972, having published 20 research papers as an assistant professor of zoology at University of Guelph, the Dean of the university, denie{Ziyuantun.Com}d her tenure. She couldn't apply to the University of Waterloo because the Dean there told Anne that he would never give tenure to a married woman. This was the catalyst that transformed Anne into a feminist activist. For three decades, Anne Innis Dagg was absent from the giraffe world until 2010 when she was sought out by giraffologists and not just brought back to into the fold, but finally celebrated for her work.  译文(2): 1956年,在简 · 古道尔进入黑猩猩世界的四年前,在黛安 · 福西离开去研究山地大猩猩的七年前,事实上,在任何人,不管男人还是女人,都没有进行过这样的旅行之前,23岁的加拿大生物学家安妮 · 英尼斯 · 达格(Anne Innis Dagg)进行了一次前所未有的独自旅行,前往南非,成为世界上第一个研究南非大陆野生动物行为的{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一年后,当她带着开创性的研究成果回到家乡时,她作为一名女性科学家所面临的不可逾越的障碍被证明更加难以克服。1972年,在担任贵湖大学动物学助理教授期间发表了20篇研究论文之后,这所大学的院长否认了她的终身教职。她不能申请滑铁卢大学,因为那里的院长告诉安妮,他永远不会把终身教职给一个已婚妇女。这是将安妮转变为女权主义活动家的催化剂。三十年来,安妮 · 英尼斯 · 达格(Anne Innis Dagg)一直缺席长颈鹿世界,直到2010年,长颈鹿专家找到了她,她不仅重新回到了人们的视野中,而且最终因她的工作而受到赞扬。

