Set over the course of a single evening in the Reynolds family home in suburban Connecticut, Clara's Ghost tells the story of Clara Reynolds who, fed up with constant ribbing from her self-absorbed showbiz family, finds solace in and guidance from the sup{Ziyuantun.Com}ernatural force she believes is haunting her. 译文(2): 故事发生在康涅狄格州郊区雷诺兹家的一个晚上,《克拉拉的幽灵》讲述了克拉拉 · 雷诺兹的故事,她受够了自恋的演艺家庭不断的嘲笑,从她认为萦绕在她心头的超自然力量中找到了慰藉和指{资源屯}。