XV Beyond The Tryline takes you behind the scenes to understand what the sport of Rugby means to everyone who touches the game. With the bac kdrop and access point of the Rugby World Cup, it's a unique look at the big sport that's built around a big family of characters; from player, coach, referee, fan, groundsman, physio, parent, and even a Prince. What is it about the sport that unites us? What is it about the sport that drives such passion? With captivating and rare insight from the likes of Prince Harry, Jonny Wilkinson, Dan Carter and Eddie Jones, XV Beyond T[ZiYuantun.Com]he Tryline is your ticket inside the everyday integrity, incredible brotherhood and values behind the greatest team sport in the world.@www.lightyear.club 译文(3): XV Beyond The Tryline将带您了解橄榄球运动对每一个接触橄榄球运动的人意味着什{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。凭借bac-kdrop和橄榄球世界杯的接入点,这是一项围绕着一大家族人物构建的大型运动的独特视角;来自球员、教练、裁判、球迷、场地管理员、理疗师、家长,甚至王子。是什么让我们团结在一起的运动?是什么推动了这项运动的激情?凭借哈里王子、乔尼·威尔金森、丹·卡特和埃迪·琼斯等人的迷人而罕见的见解,《十五世之外的Tryline》是你了解世界上最伟大的团队运动背后的日常诚信、难以置信的兄弟情谊和价值观的门票@www.lightyear.club