Before the time of hum[ZiYuantun.Com]ans, our planet was ruled by a land of giants, with fish that could swallow you whole and land predators tall enough to peek into the top floor of the White House. But which of these mega-monsters was the largest of them all? Join us as we reveal the Top 10 biggest beasts to walk the Earth, swim the seas, and soar the skies. 译文(2): 在人类出现之前,我们的星球是由巨人统治的,鱼类可以把你整个吞下,陆地上的掠食者高到可以窥视白宫的顶{资源屯}。但是这些巨型怪物中哪一个是最大的呢?加入我们,我们揭示了10大野兽走在地球上,游泳的海洋,和翱翔的天空。