A Parent's Worst Nightmare

A Parent's Worst Nightmare



    • 主演: 克里斯蒂·斯旺森迪恩·凯恩


    A Parent's Worst Nightmare is a powerful story, based on multiple real life events. It's based on true stories of children who've been kidnapped for the underground sex slave industry. Every day young women, aged 13 - 17, are kidnapped, beaten, rapped, drugged, and sold as sex slaves. Currently, up to 300,000 girls in America are at risk of sex trafficking. This is raw look into what they go thru and is not for the squeamish. The cast and crew are hoping that this movie will bring more awareness about sex trafficking in America. Our government spends 300 dollars fighting the "war on drugs" for every dollar it spends to keep our children safe. Written by MoeJoe   译文(2): 一个父母的最坏的噩梦是一个强大的故事,基于多个现实生活事{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这部电影是根据真实故事改编的,讲的是一些孩子被绑架去从事地下性奴工作的故事。每天,年龄在13-17岁之间的年轻女性被绑架、殴打、强奸、下药,并被当作性奴卖掉。目前,美国有多达30万女孩面临性交易的风险。这是对他们所经历的一切的原始观察,不是为了那些神经过敏的{Ziyuantun.Com}人。全体演员和工作人员都希望这部电影能够提高人们对美国性交易的认识。我们的政府每花一美元来保护我们孩子的安全,就要花300美元来打“毒品战争”。作者 MoeJoe

