In 1969 Jett, a young girl of mixed Caucasian and Indigenous descent, struggles to fit in with her peers on the reservation. After summoning the trees to shield her from her bullies she realizes her special connection with the surrou[ZiYuantun.Com]nding nature. With the help of a tribal Watchman she embarks on a spiritual journey to discover her destiny. 译文(2): 1969年,杰特,一个混合白人和土著血统的年轻女孩,努力适应与她的同龄人在保留{资源屯}。在召唤树木来保护她免受恶霸的欺负之后,她意识到自己与周围自然的特殊联系。在一个部落守望者的帮助下,她开始了一段精神之旅,去发现她的命运。