Burroughs: The Movie explores the life and times of controversial Naked Lunch author William S. Burroughs, with an intimacy never before seen and never repeated. The film charts the development of Burroughs' unique literary style and his wildly unconventional life, including his travels from the American Midwest to North Africa and several personal tragedies. Burroughs: The Movie is the first and only feature length documentary to be made with and about Burroughs. The film was directed by the late Howard Brookner. I[ZiYuantun.Com]t was begun in 1978 as Brookner's senior thesis at NYU film school and then expanded into a feature which was completed 5 years later in 1983. Sound was recorded by Jim Jarmusch and the film was shot by Tom DiCillo, fellow NYU classmates and both very close friends of Brookner's. 译文(2): 这部电影探讨了备受争议的《裸体午餐》作者威廉·柏洛兹的生活和时代,以前从未见过,也从未重复过的亲密关{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这部电影描绘了巴勒斯独特的文学风格的发展和他疯狂非传统的生活,包括他从美国中西部到北非的旅行和几个个人的悲剧。巴勒斯: 这部电影是第一部也是唯一一部关于巴勒斯的长篇纪录片。这部电影是由已故的霍华德 · 布鲁克纳导演的。这部电影始于1978年,当时是布鲁克纳在纽约大学电影学院的毕业论文,后来扩展成一部故事片,5年后于1983年完成。声音由 Jim Jarmusch 录制,电影由 Tom DiCillo 拍摄,他是纽约大学的同学,也是 Brookner 的好朋友。