真实恐惧:背后的真相 2

真实恐惧:背后的真相 2



    • 主演: 未知


    Paranormal investigators Katrina Weidman (Paranormal State), Richard Dolan (Syfy Inve[ZiYuantun.Com]stigates), John McGarry, Chris Holt and Becky Weingrad travel across the country in search of America's darkest mysteries -- a road trip into the unknown. The cases explored take the Real Fear team to extraordinary destinations to investigate an array of terrifying phenomena -- exposing a secret world of legends, ghosts, cryptids and UFOs hidden across America's landscape. Guest stars including Chip Coffey (Paranormal State and Psychic Kids), John Zaffis (Haunted Collector), Travis Walton (Fire in the Sky), and Carmen Reed (The Haunting in Connecticut) join the Real Fear team to help unearth shocking new evidence related to the real-life cases that inspired the most iconic horror films of all time.   译文(3): Paranormal调查人员Katrina Weidman(Paranormal State)、Richard Dolan(Syfy Investigations)、John McGarry、Chris Holt和Becky Weingrad在全国各地旅行,寻找美国最黑暗的谜团——一次未知的公路旅{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。探索的案件将“真正的恐惧”团队带到了非同寻常的目的地,调查一系列可怕的现象——揭露了隐藏在美国各地的传奇、鬼魂、神秘和不明飞行物的秘密世界。包括奇普·科菲(《超自然状态》和《心灵儿童》)、约翰·扎菲斯(《闹鬼的收藏家》)、特拉维斯·沃尔顿(《天空之火》)和卡门·里德(《康涅狄格闹鬼》)在内的客串明星加入了《真实恐惧》团队,帮助挖掘与现实生活中的案件有关的令人震惊的新证据,这些案件激发了有史以来最具标志性的恐怖电影的灵感。


