




    HEAVY PETTING is a hilarious and salacious exploration of the sexual mores of the 50's as seen through the eyes of a generation that lived through the Sexual Revolution. Creative baby boomers-- including musician David Byrne, performance artist Spalding Gray, comedian Sandra Bernhard, radical activist Abbie Hoffman, and poet Allen Ginsberg-- candidly recall their sexual coming-f-age tales in intimate interviews. Joyously campy and refreshingly carefree, HEAVY PETTING blends humorous, un【ZiYuanTun.Com】believable footage of unhelpful sex-ed films with classic snippets of THE WILD ONE and Elvis' hip gyrations, not to mention Bernhard talking about playing "doctor", always observant Ginsberg on a disastrous encounter with a girl, and Byrne on the childhood myths of masturbation. Eternal mysteries such as the female orgasm, the universal appeal of Marilyn Monroe, and the rituals of high school are laid bare by this lovable group of characters.   译文(2): 《重拍》是对50年代性观念的一次滑稽而色情的探索,它通过经历了性革命的一代人的眼睛看到了这一{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。创造性的婴儿潮一代——包括音乐家 David Byrne,表演艺术家 Spalding Gray,喜剧演员 Sandra Bernhard,激进活动家 Abbie Hoffman 和诗人 Allen Ginsberg ——在亲密访谈中坦率地回忆他们的性成熟故事。快乐的假惺惺和令人耳目一新的无忧无虑,重拍融合了幽默,难以置信的片段,无益的性教育电影与经典片段的野生一个和猫王的臀部旋转,更不用说伯恩哈德谈论扮演“医生”,总是观察金斯伯格灾难性的遭遇与一个女孩,和 Byrne 的童年神话自慰。永恒的奥秘,如女性高潮,玛丽莲梦露的普遍吸引力,和高中的仪式是揭示了这个可爱的人物群体。


