
主演:罗伯特·乌尔 丹尼尔·法恩曼 Jeff 大卫·克罗斯 莎拉·沃威尔 塔克·卡尔森 卡马拉·琼斯 

导演:彭尼贝克 克莉斯·埃热迪 Nick 

类型: 喜剧 纪录 电影 美国 2016

豆瓣ID:4266832 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0788006 IMDb评分:8.5

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:假定立场WEB-1080P下载 假定立场免费下载 假定立场 


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The first part of the series debuted in 2006. In this edition Wuhl "Assumes the Position" that History is Pop Culture. He discusses topics such as the real story behind Paul Revere's Midnight Ride, first sentence of the U.S. Constitution being a "grammatical fuck-up", and how he believes that "star fucking," or the phenomenon of the U.S. public becoming infatuated with celebrity figures, and "gay battle cries" are "as American as apple pie." To his point about gay battle cries, he cites the rock band Queen's recording of "We Will Rock You," with its powerful, stomp-stomp-clap beat often pounded and sung in unison by crowds at U.S. sports stadiums, as a late 20th century example (lead vocalist Freddie Mercury was gay) and the U.S. patriotic song "Yankee {Ziyuantun.Com}Doodle" as an example from the American Revolution. "Yankee Doodle," Wuhl said, was actually a British song mocking what they saw as disheveled, disorganized American colonial soldiers -- but the colonists didn't realize they were being made fun of ("Doodle" meant "simpleton") and proudly adopted the song because they liked the tune. Indeed, the line "He stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni" was a reference to excessively dressed effeminate 18th century British men who spoke with outlandish, epicene affectations and were derided in England as macaronis, Wuhl said. The song's meaning, he said, was that the simple colonists were so foolish that they didn't even know how to become macaronis -- all they did was stick a feather in their cap!   译文(2): 该系列的第一部分于2006年首次亮{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在这一版本中,沃尔“承担”了历史是大众文化的地位。他讨论了一些话题,比如保罗 · 里维尔(Paul Revere)的《午夜骑行》(Midnight Ride)背后的真实故事,美国宪法的第一句话是一个“语法错误”,以及他如何相信“操明星”,或者美国公众迷恋名人的现象,以及“同性恋战斗的呐喊”是“像苹果派一样美国化”他引用了摇滚乐队皇后乐队(Queen)的专辑《我们将摇滚你》(We Will Rock You) ,其强有力的跺脚-跺脚-拍手节奏经常被美国体育场的观众一起击打和唱出,作为20世纪末的一个例子(主唱弗雷迪 · 墨丘利(Freddie Mercury)是同性恋) ,以及美国爱国歌曲《美国独立战争》(American Revolution)的一个例子。伍尔说,“ Yankee Doodle”实际上是一首英国歌曲,嘲笑他们眼中凌乱、无组织的美国殖民士兵——但是殖民者没有意识到他们被取笑了(“ Doodle”意味着“傻瓜”) ,他们自豪地采用了这首歌,因为他们喜欢这首歌的曲调。实际上,“他把一根羽毛插在帽子里,称之为通心粉”这句话指的是18世纪英国男人穿着过于娘娘腔,说话带着古怪的、表面上的矫揉造作,在英国被嘲笑为通心粉,Wuhl 说。他说,这首歌的意思是,简单的殖民者是如此愚蠢,以至于他们甚至不知道如何变成通心粉——他们所做的只是在他们的帽子上插根羽毛!

