In 1994, journalist Enza Massa visited the Italian National Library in Rome. While she was researching old texts, Enza discovered a book titled "NOSTRADAMUS VATICANICA CODE", dating back to 1629. And the author of the book, as written inside, was "Michel de Notredame". The book contained many vivid paintings and cryptic messages. This TV Documentary follows the investigation of how the manuscript came to be found in the archives, and exactly how it got there. With new insights into the life of Nostradamus, his relationship with his family, and political and religious figures of his time. Written by Roald, Norway【ZiYuanTun.Com】 译文(2): 1994年,记者恩萨 · 马萨参观了罗马的意大利国家图书{资源屯}。当她在研究古代文献时,恩萨发现了一本名为“诺查丹玛斯梵蒂冈密码”的书,可以追溯到1629年。这本书的作者是米歇尔 · 德 · 诺特雷达姆(Michel de Notredame)。这本书包含了许多生动的绘画和神秘的信息。这部电视纪录片跟踪调查手稿是如何在档案馆被发现的,以及它是如何到达那里的。对诺查丹玛斯的生活,他与家人的关系,以及他那个时代的政治和宗教人物有了新的认识。作者: 罗尔德,挪威