Earth is attacked by the Kulkus, a hostile alien breed infected by a lethal virus and needing human blood to develop an an【ZiYuanTun.Com】tidote. The worldwide governments negotiate with the humanoid ambassador the terms of peace, giving eight million humans shared between the nations to the aliens and in return they would spare our planet. When Heather Chase, the daughter of the scientist Stephen Chase, is one of the selected, her father fights to save her, joining the resistance force. He proposes to Blair and Alex, the leaders of the resistance, to give his researches with some alien material found in 1947, exchanging for the liberty of his daughter. But Heather is an unique species, having a genetic that heals the aliens and they do not accept to release her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 译文(3): 地球受到库尔库人的攻击,库尔库人是一种被致命病毒感染的敌对外星物种,需要人类血液来开发解{资源屯}。世界各国政府与人形大使谈判和平条款,将各国共享的800万人类交给外星人,作为回报,他们将拯救我们的星球。当科学家斯蒂芬·蔡斯的女儿希瑟·蔡斯被选中时,她的父亲为了救她而战斗,加入了抵抗力量。他向抵抗运动的领导人布莱尔和亚历克斯提议,用1947年发现的一些外星材料进行研究,以换取女儿的自由。但希瑟是一个独特的物种,拥有治愈外星人的基因,他们不接受释放她。克劳迪奥·卡瓦略著,巴西里约热内卢