In a City where crime rules supreme, District Attorney Tony Quinn has the scales of justice stacked against him. When a c【ZiYuanTun.Com】rime boss has Tony blinded by acid, it seems that crime has won for good. But through a miracle of modern science, Tony is given the ability to see in the dark like a bat. Tony Quinn takes the guise of the Black Bat to see to it that crime pays and that the scales of justice are balanced once more. 译文(2): 在一个犯罪至上的城市里,地方检察官 Tony Quinn 的正义天平对他不{资源屯}。当一个犯罪头目让托尼被迷幻药弄瞎的时候,看起来犯罪已经永远赢了。但是通过现代科学的奇迹,托尼被赋予了像蝙蝠一样在黑暗中看东西的能力。托尼 · 奎恩打扮成黑蝙蝠来确保犯罪得到回报正义的天平再次平衡。