
主演:吉莲·默瑞 汤姆·塞兹摩尔 汉娜·豪尔 


类型: 惊悚 电影 美国 2013

豆瓣ID:21328107 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt1684567 IMDb评分:3.3

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:看得见的伤痕1080P蓝光下载 看得见的伤痕免费下载 看得见的伤痕 

时长:102 分钟

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Seventeen years ago, MIKE GILLIS killed a new mother of twin girls and took the babies to a house in the woods, claiming them as his own to appease his wife's desire for kids. After Mike committed multiple murders over seven years to "protect" the growing girls locked in the basement, even finally killing his wife, one day a fire in the house causes it to collapse on Mike and the twins. In present day, STACY WALKER flees to her uncle's old secluded cabin in those same woods to escape her abusive boyfriend. Once there, her head begins to clear and she feels free to be with her thoughts. That first night she is haunted by the ghosts of the little girls crying for their mother. Meanwhile, DETECTIVE BLACK is investigating the 17-year-old case of the twins' disappearance and their mother's murder. The cold trail suddenly turns warm when the {Ziyuantun.Com}case leads to the same secluded mountainous region where Stacy has escaped...   译文(2): 17年前,迈克 · 吉利斯(MIKE GILLIS)杀害了一对双胞胎女孩的新妈妈,并把孩子们带到树林里的一所房子里,声称他们是自己的孩子,以满足妻子对孩子的渴{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在迈克为了“保护”被锁在地下室里的成长中的女孩们犯下了七年多的谋杀案,甚至最终杀死了他的妻子之后,有一天房子里的一场火灾导致房子坍塌,砸在了迈克和双胞胎身上。如今,史黛西 · 沃克(STACY WALKER)为了躲避虐待她的男友,逃到了她叔叔在那片树林里的偏僻小屋里。一旦到了那里,她的头脑开始清醒,她感到自由与她的想法。第一天晚上,她被那些哭着找妈妈的小女孩的鬼魂所缠绕。与此同时,布莱克侦探正在调查一起17岁的双胞胎失踪案和他们母亲的谋杀案。线索突然变得温暖了当案子指向史黛西逃走的那个偏僻的山区。

