ritish Horror veteran Michael Gough (Sleepy Hollow, The Legend of Hell House) steals the film as the Mad Doctor who indulges in his nasty medical experiments with the aid of a dwarf sidekick, an army of leather-clad bikie guards and a Rolls Royce with a built in decapitation device! 译文(2): 英国恐怖片老兵迈克尔 · 高夫(《断头[ZiYuantun.Com]谷》 ,《地狱传奇》)在电影中抢尽风头,他饰演一个疯狂的医生,在一个矮人助手的帮助下沉迷于他肮脏的医学实验,一群穿着皮衣的骑自行车的警卫和一辆带有内置斩首装置的劳斯莱{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}!