



    • 主演: 未知


    'Mothman' was yet another miserable 'original' film that SyFy decided to torture viewers with. Who at the SyFy Network is drinking the wrong Kool-Aid? They need to hire knowledgeable and intelligent decision makers when it comes to their line-up and production processes. The only thing redeemable about 'Mothman' is that the acting is above ave[ZiYuantun.Com]rage for SyFy original features. The cast did a pretty good job with such a crazy, undeveloped storyline and script. The special effects were really pitiful - worse than the old dinosaur flicks from the 50's and 60's. With today's technology, someone with creativity and skill could have created much better effects with home computer equipment. I believe that any movie worth making is worth making right - as right as possible anyway. This starts with the writers of course. A solid plot, storyline and dialog really are the most important - special effects can enhance or destroy a film as well. Continuity is a major element in both, in order to eliminate possible holes and aid in believability. I guess the production company didn't have anyone who could provide continuity for the script or work-flow during filming and editing. Oh well. And why the heck did 'SciFi' change their name to 'SyFy'? Ridiculous!   译文(2): 《天蛾人》是 SyFy 决定用来折磨观众的又一部悲惨的“原创”电{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。SyFy 电视台里谁喝错了酷爱饮料?当涉及到他们的产品线和生产流程时,他们需要雇佣有知识和智慧的决策者。《天蛾人》唯一可以弥补的是,它的表演水平超过了 SyFy 原创电影的平均水平。演员们在这样一个疯狂的,尚未完善的故事情节和剧本上做得相当不错。特效真的很可怜——比50年代和60年代的老恐龙电影还要糟糕。有了今天的技术,有创造力和技能的人可以创造更好的效果与家庭电脑设备。我相信任何值得制作的电影都值得做对——无论如何都要尽可能做对。这当然是从作家开始的。一个扎实的情节,故事情节和对话真的是最重要的-特殊效果可以增强或破坏一部电影以及。为了消除可能的漏洞和增加可信度,连续性是两者的主要元素。我想制片公司没有任何人可以在拍摄和剪辑期间为剧本或工作流程提供连续性。好吧。为什么“ SciFi”要改名为“ SyFy”?太荒谬了!


