Eureka is a 1983 British-American drama film directed by Nicolas Roeg. It is the story of a Klondike prosp[ZiYuantun.Com]ector, Jack McCann (Gene Hackman) who strikes it rich, yet ends up fearing that his daughter Tracy (Theresa Russell) and his son-in-law (Rutger Hauer) are scheming to take his wealth and his soul; moreover, greedy investors (Joe Pesci and Mickey Rourke) are also hunting McCann's fortune. 译文(2): 《尤里卡》是一部1983年由尼古拉斯 · 罗格执导的英美戏剧电{资源屯}。这是一个关于克朗代克探矿者 Jack McCann (Gene Hackman 饰)的故事,他发了大财,但最终害怕他的女儿 Tracy (Theresa Russell 饰)和他的女婿(Rutger Hauer 饰)阴谋夺走他的财富和灵魂; 此外,贪婪的投资者(Joe Pesci 和 Mickey Rourke 饰)也在追逐 McCann 的财富。