Two hired assassins working for a Mexican cartel are faced with something unimaginable: they get to custody a 10-years-old girl, the daughter of the head of their r{Ziyuantun.Com}ival clan, who has kidnapped the son of their boss. The situation is terrible: or an exchange takes place, or somebody will have to carry out a job that no amount of blood on their hands could ever have prepared them for. 译文(3): 两名受雇于墨西哥卡特尔的刺客面临着一件难以想象的事情:他们拘留了一名10岁的女孩,这名女孩是他们敌对部落首领的女儿,绑架了他们老板的儿{资源屯}。情况很糟糕:或者发生了交换,或者有人将不得不从事一项他们手上再多的血也无法为他们做好准备的工作。