In the castle Vogeloed, a few aristo【ZiYuanTun.Com】crats are awaiting baroness Safferstätt. But first count Oetsch invites himself.. Everyone thinks he murdered his brother, baroness Safferstat's first husband, three years ago. So he is rather undesirable. But Oetsch stays; arguing he is not the murderer and will find the real one... 译文(2): 在城堡沃格洛德,几个贵族正在等待男爵夫人萨弗斯{资源屯}。但首先厄奇伯爵邀请了他自己。.所有人都认为他谋杀了自己的弟弟三年前,萨弗斯塔特男爵夫人的第一任丈夫。所以他很不受欢迎。但是 Oetsch 留下来,辩称他不是凶手并且会找到真正的凶手。