Created from footage captured during the filming of the PBS series Carrier, explores the struggle waged by three men in various stages of fatherhood to serve their country while living and working in the harsh environment of an aircraft carrier, and constantly thinking of the loved ones they left behind. Doug Booher, Randy Brock, and Chris Altice are three of 5,000 sailors living onboard the USS Nimitz. Summoned from their families for a six-month deployment to the Persian Gulf, these men may perform disparate tasks yet they all have one thing in common -- they're all either parents, or expecting a child. By d【ZiYuanTun.Com】elving deep into the personal lives of all three, the filmmakers raise numerous questions about their work onboard the Nimitz, and the role of the Navy in times of war. A fighter pilot in the famed "Black Aces" squadron, Lt. Booher is attempting to balance his life and military career, no simple task for a man with a newborn back home. Meanwhile, tough-talking Gunnery Sergeant ... 译文(2): 影片由美国公共广播公司(PBS)系列片《航母》(Carrier)拍摄过程中拍摄的镜头制作而成,讲述了三个男人在不同阶段为国家奋斗的故事,他们在航空母舰的恶劣环境中生活和工作,不断地想起他们留在身后的亲{资源屯}。道格 · 布赫,兰迪 · 布洛克和克里斯 · 阿尔蒂斯是住在尼米兹号航空母舰上的五千名水手中的三位。这些人被家人召集到波斯湾执行为期六个月的任务,他们可能会执行完全不同的任务,但他们都有一个共同点——他们要么都是父母,要么都有孩子了。通过深入挖掘这三个人的个人生活,电影制作人对他们在尼米兹号上的工作以及海军在战时的角色提出了许多问题。布赫中尉是著名的“黑色王牌”中队的战斗机飞行员,他正试图平衡自己的生活和军事生涯,对于一个带着新生儿回家的人来说,这可不是一个简单的任务。与此同时,嘴硬的枪砲军士..。