



    • 主演: 未知


    Tucked in the Appalachian mountains of Southern West Virginia, Oceana, is a small, once thriving coal-mining town that has fallen victim to the fast spreading scourge of prescription painkiller Oxycontin. As the coal industry slowly declined and times got tough, a black market for the drug sprung up and along with it a rash of prostitution, theft and murder. Soon its own residents had nicknamed the town Oxyana and it began to live up to its reputation as abuse, addiction and overdoses became commonplace. Oxyana is a harrowing {Ziyuantun.Com}front line account of a community in the grips of an epidemic, told through the voices of the addicts, the dealers and all those affected. It is a haunting glimpse into an American nightmare unfolding before our eyes, a cautionary tale told with raw and unflinching honesty.   译文(2): 在奥希阿纳西弗吉尼亚州南部的阿巴拉契亚山脉中,隐藏着一个曾经繁荣的煤矿小镇,它已经成为处方止痛药奥施康定迅速蔓延的灾难的受害{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。随着煤炭行业的缓慢衰落和日子的艰难,毒品的黑市如雨后春笋般涌现,随之而来的是大量的卖淫、盗窃和谋杀。不久,这里的居民给这个小镇起了个绰号,奥西亚纳开始名副其实,滥用药物、上瘾和吸毒过量成为家常便饭。奥西亚纳是一个悲惨的前线帐户的社区在一个流行病的控制,通过声音告诉通过瘾君子,毒贩和所有受影响的人。这是一个在我们眼前展开的美国噩梦的令人难以忘怀的一瞥,一个用原始和坚定的诚实讲述的警示故事。

