Barbara Stanwyck (in her last theatrical feature) stars with a wealthy woman who's terrorized by recurring dreams regarding her jealous, blind husband who supposedly burned to death in a recent fire. She tries to convince her attorney played by Robert Taylor (the real-life ex-husband of Stanwyck) that the nightmares are real. Exploitation king William Castle produced and directed from a screenplay by Robert Bloch ("Psycho"). Written by alfiehitchie 译文(2): 芭芭拉·斯坦威克(在她的最后一部戏剧故事片中)主演是一个富有的女人,她不断梦到自己嫉妒的盲人丈夫,据说他在最近的一场火灾中被烧死,这让她[ZiYuantun.Com]感到恐{资源屯}。她试图说服她的律师罗伯特泰勒扮演(现实生活中斯坦威克的前夫)的噩梦是真实的。剥削国王威廉 · 卡塞尔根据罗伯特 · 布洛赫(《精神病患者》)的剧本制作并导演。作者: Alfiehitchie