
主演:卡斯帕·范·迪恩 罗芙洛 詹姆斯·卢 


类型: 科幻 冒险 电影 美国 2016

豆瓣ID:26995207 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt2039380 IMDb评分:3.1

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:星球奇兵:刀客雷恩历险记1080P蓝光下载 星球奇兵:刀客雷恩历险记免费下载 星球奇兵:刀客雷恩历险记 

时长:83 分钟

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Rocket ships, Rayguns, and Robots abound in this heart-pounding tale where the stellar adventurer Saber Raine is hired to guide three elite soldiers on a rescue mission to recover a prince and princess who have been abducted from their home world. The trail leads Saber and his allies to a planet deep within uncharted space that is inhabited by strange mutated creatures, leech-like desert marauders, renegade mercenaries, alien outcasts, and cybernetically enhanced soldiers that guard mysterious ruins of an empire long forgotten. Deep within the ruins, Sinjin, a sinister overlord freed from a cryogenic chamber that was his prison for many centuries, is now in league with the Quintari, a malevolent insectoid race known throughout the galaxy as the scourge. In possession of a powerful new energy source, Sinjin plots his revenge on the descendants of those who betrayed him in the past. Can our heroes complete their rescue mission and stop Sinijin from unleashing his fury on the universe?@www.lightyear.club   译文(3): 在这个扣人心弦的故事中,火箭船、射线枪和机器人比比皆{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在这个故事中,明星冒险家Saber Raine被雇来指导三名精英士兵执行救援任{Ziyuantun.Com}务,以找回一对从自己的祖国被绑架的王子和公主。这条线索将Saber和他的盟友带到了一个未知空间深处的星球,那里居住着奇怪的变异生物、类似水蛭的沙漠掠夺者、叛变的雇佣兵、外星弃儿和控制论增强的士兵,他们守卫着一个被遗忘已久的帝国的神秘废墟。在废墟深处,辛金是一位邪恶的霸主,他从一个低温室中被释放出来,这个低温室是他几个世纪以来的监狱,现在他与昆塔里人结盟,昆塔里是一个邪恶的类昆虫种族,在整个银河系被称为祸害。辛金拥有强大的新能源,他计划向过去背叛他的人的后代复仇。我们的英雄们能完成他们的救援任务并阻止辛尼津向宇宙释放他的愤怒吗@www.lightyear.club

