Lifelong friends and punk band, SGW (Surgeon General's Warning) look to bust out of small town Texas, as 1990 comes to a close. While the 24 hour newscasts market Operation Desert Storm and devotion to country at any cost, the band drops acid, plays gigs and carries out calculated acts of vandalism around town. Faced with the reality of a dead end job at the chemical plant, a life in the oil field, or fighting a war that has no meaning to them, the boys see their band as the one ticket out of town. As they plot their{Ziyuantun.Com} escape to Los Angeles, the boys find out what holds them together, could be the one thing that can tear them apart. 译文(3): 随着1990年的结束,终身好友和朋克乐队SGW(外科医生的警告)希望离开德克萨斯州的小{资源屯}。当24小时的新闻广播推销“沙漠风暴行动”和不惜一切代价对国家的奉献时,乐队扔酸液,演出,并在镇上进行蓄意破坏行为。面对在化工厂的死胡同工作、在油田的生活,或者打一场对他们没有意义的战争的现实,男孩们把他们的乐队视为出城的唯一出路。当他们计划逃到洛杉矶时,男孩们发现是什么把他们联系在一起,可能是唯一能把他们撕裂的东西。