Heiress Carol Owen learns to fly from aeronautical engineer Jim Leonard who begins neglecting his work as their affair progresses. Things get complicated when she learns her father died penniless and that she has been being supported by her financial advisor, and now suitor, Bruce Hardy. Written by Ed Stephan 译文(3): 继承人卡罗尔·欧文从航空工程师吉姆·伦纳德那里学会了飞行,随着他们的恋情进展,伦纳德【ZiYuanTun.Com】开始忽视他的工{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。当她得知父亲去世时身无分文,而且她一直得到财务顾问、现在的追求者布鲁斯·哈迪的支持时,事情变得复杂起来。作者:Ed Stephan<;stephan@cc.wwu.edu>;