游猎: 非洲



类型: 纪录 冒险 电影 美国 2011

豆瓣ID:33413573 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt1869235 IMDb评分:6.9

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:游猎: 非洲1080P蓝光下载 游猎: 非洲免费下载 游猎: 非洲 

时长:88 分钟

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Featuring jaw-dropping HD/3D cinematography, stirring original music, and Africa's original rock star animals, Emmy Award-winning host Hunter Ellis takes viewers on an unforgettable safari that puts them up-close and personal with the wonders of Africa. W{Ziyuantun.Com}ith Hunter as your very own personal safari guide, you will run with a herd of graceful gazelles, travel in a hot air balloon to soar with high-flying birds, cross the wide-open plains in an elusive hunt to track down the nearly extinct African black rhino, and scramble up a steep mountain in the rain to meet a pack of gorillas in the mist.   译文(2): 拥有令人瞠目结舌的高清/3D 电影摄影,激动人心的原创音乐,非洲的原始摇滚明星动物,艾美奖获奖主持人亨特埃利斯带领观众进行一次难忘的狩猎之旅,让他们近距离亲身体验非洲的奇{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在亨特的指导下,你将与一群优雅的瞪羚一起奔跑,乘坐热气球与高空飞翔的鸟儿一起翱翔,穿越广阔的平原,追踪几乎灭绝的非洲黑犀牛,在雨中爬上陡峭的山峰与一群迷雾森林十八年相遇。

