“The Ability Exchange” is an intimate documentary film that delves into an innovative Disability Studies course at NYU Tandon where engineering students and self-advocates with cerebral palsy team up to make movies. This observational "empathy engine" illustrates the trajectory of personal growth and bonding that these first time filmmakers experience in the classroom and beyond, during a journey of which the line between ability and disability gets blurred, traditionally assigned roles of "filmmakers" and "subjects" blend, and the definitions of “normalcy” and “inspiration” are challenged. “The Ability Exchange” thus invites the viewer to reflect on what it takes to{Ziyuantun.Com} understand and appreciate a person, a community, a culture, and how this exchange of abilities and perspectives empowers lives. “a one-man band's empathy engine"—Indiewire 纪录片【能力交流】深入纽约大学坦登工程学院内一门名为“残障研究”的新颖课程,以亲切的视角捕捉发生在工程系学生与有脑瘫的残障人士之间的故事 ——在三个月的时间内,这些电影“门外汉们”要学会沟通合作,以自己的经历体悟,拍摄属于他们的作{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这部令人感同身受的观察式电影记录着个体的成长和彼此间默契形成的过程,与此同时,课里课外,刻板的“健全”—“残疾”界限日益模糊,传统的“拍摄者”—“被拍摄对象”角色互溢,对“正常”与“励志”的狭隘定义也不断受到冲击和挑战。【能力交流】邀请观众思索:如何才能真正地理解并欣赏一个人,一个群体,一种文化?能力的共享与视野的交换又将如何壮大生命? "传递感同身受的永动机"—Indiewire