
主演:法丽达·贾拉尔 阿贾耶·德乌干 拉吉.巴巴尔 埃格伯特·让·魏伯 阿姆瑞塔·拉奥 穆克什·迪瓦里 


类型: 剧情 传记 历史 电影 印度 2002

豆瓣ID:4089619 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0319736 IMDb评分:8.1

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:巴哈特.辛格的传奇WEB-1080P下载 巴哈特.辛格的传奇免费下载 巴哈特.辛格的传奇 

时长:155 分钟

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Bhagat was born in British India during the year 1908. As a child he witnessed numerous atrocities committed on fellow Indians by their British rulers, who came to trade under the guise of the East India Company, but ended up controlling most of the nation, and permitting tyrants such as General Dyer to massacre thousands of in[ZiYuantun.Com]nocent men, women and children in Jallianwala Baug. As a child he was impressed by Mohandas K. Gandhi, especially his call to launch the non-cooperation movement, which led to thousands of people burning British-made clothing, giving up schools, & college studies, and government jobs - only to be let down by Gandhi himself when he called off the movement. Undaunted, Bhagat decided to be a revolutionary, starting with getting into petty fights, then as a grown-up joining the Hindustan Republic Association. When Lala Lajpat Rai was beaten to death by the police, Bhagat, along with Shivram Rajguru, Sukhdev, and others daringly carried out the assassination of a ...   译文(2): 巴加特1908年出生于英属印{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。小时候,他亲眼目睹了英国统治者对印度同胞犯下的无数暴行。英国统治者打着东印度公司的幌子进行贸易,但最终控制了印度的大部分地区,允许戴尔将军(General Dyer)等暴君在 Jallianwala Baug 屠杀数千名无辜的男女老幼。小时候,圣雄甘地给他留下了深刻的印象,尤其是他发起不合作运动的号召,导致成千上万的人焚烧英国制造的衣服,放弃学业、大学学习和政府工作,结果甘地本人在他叫停运动时失望了。巴加特无所畏惧,决定成为一名革命者,从小打小闹开始,然后作为一名成年人加入了印度斯坦共和国协会(Hindustan Republic Association)。当拉拉 · 拉杰帕特 · 拉伊被警察殴打致死时,巴加特与希夫拉姆 · 拉古鲁、苏克德夫等人大胆地实施了暗杀..。

