Actress Mika Andrews and her filmmaker boyfriend Louis Digman struggle through the trenches of the entertainment industry to succeed in "Hollywood." Told in raw documentary style, the camera chronicles Mika's journey through Los Angeles, going to auditions and trying to make her mark in front of the camera. Louis's story shows his struggles behind the scenes as an up-and-coming writer-director. The film also follows their ups and downs as a young couple, supporting each other through the stresses, hopes, desires, disappointments and Mika's crippling insomnia, as they try to make ends meet and pursue their dreams in an often heart-breaking industry. 译文(2): 女演员米卡 · 安德鲁斯和她的电影制作人男友路易斯 · 迪格曼为了在《好莱坞》中获得成功而在娱乐圈奋斗以原始纪录片的方式讲述,镜头记录了米卡在洛杉矶的旅程,她去试镜,并试图在镜头前留下自己的印{资源屯}。路易斯的故事展示了他作为一个崭露头角的编剧兼导演在幕后的挣扎。影片还讲述了他们作为一对年轻夫妇的起起落落,他们在压力、希望、欲望、失望和美佳严重的失眠中相互扶持,在这个经[ZiYuantun.Com]常令人心碎的行业中努力维持生计,追求梦想。