'Brillo Box (3¢ off)' follows a beloved Andy Warhol Brillo Box sculpture as it makes its way from a family's living room to a record-breaking Christie's auction, blending personal narrative with pop culture, and exploring how we navigate the ephemeral nature of art and value. 译文(2): “ Brillo Box (3 & # 162; off)”讲述了一件深受喜爱的安迪 · 沃霍尔(Andy Warhol) Brillo Box 雕塑的故事,它从一个家庭的起居室出发,来到一场破纪录的佳士得拍卖会,将个人叙事与流行文化结合在一起,探索我们如何在艺{Ziyuantun.Com}术和价值的短暂本质中找到方{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。