In this documentary, filmmaker Daniel Raim delves into Yasujiro Ozu's remarkable late work, in which the master made the leap from black and white to color. In his stirring tribute to the great filmmaker, Raim examines Ozu's life and work through archival treasures such as his diary and the red teakettle from the family drama "Equinox Flower" (1958); sits down with Ozu's nephew and the producer of the director's gently elegiac final film, "An Autumn Afternoon" (1962); and interweaves many scenes and images from the vibrant and humane films with which the director capped his career. 译文(2): 在这部纪录片中,导演丹尼尔 · 雷姆深入研究了小津安二郎非凡的晚期作品,在这部作品中,大师从黑白到彩色的飞{资源屯}。在他对这位伟大的电影制作人的激动{Ziyuantun.Com}人心的致敬中,Raim 通过他的日记和家庭剧《春分花》(1958)中的红茶壶等珍贵的档案资料来检视小津的生活和工作; 与小津的侄子以及导演最后一部轻柔哀伤的电影《秋日午后》(1962)的制片人坐在一起; 并交织了许多充满活力和人性化的电影场景和图像,这些电影是导演事业的巅峰。