Urmas Eero Liiv's feature film "Must alpinist" (Ghost Mountaineer) is a youth film with elements of horror which is based on real life events which took place during the Soviet era. It tells the story of an Soviet Estonian student hiking group which gets caught up in a series of scary events unfolding in wintry Siberia. The unpopular group leader Olle (Reimo Sagor), who becomes disappointed in his companions during the trip, disappears on the last day in the mountains. His rival, liberal-minded and adventurous Eero (Priit Pius) guides the descending hikers into a Buryate village on the mountain to seek help. A weird and insane chain of events is unleashed which seems to be orchestrated by the missing Olle. In a 【ZiYuanTun.Com】foreign land and among people they do not know, the hikers are faced with a task which they at first do not want to undertake and later are unable to tackle. 译文(2): 乌尔马斯?埃罗?利夫(Urmas Eero Liiv)的长片《必须登山》(Ghost Mountaineer)是一部以苏联时代发生的真实生活事件为基础,充满恐怖元素的青少年电{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。它讲述了一个苏联爱沙尼亚学生徒步旅行团的故事,这个旅行团被卷入了一系列发生在西伯利亚的可怕事件中。不受欢迎的组长 Olle (Reimo Sagor) ,在旅行中对他的同伴感到失望,在最后一天消失在山中。他的竞争对手、思想开明、敢于冒险的埃罗(普里特 · 庇护)带领下行的徒步旅行者进入山上的 Buryate 村庄寻求帮助。一连串诡异疯狂的事件发生了似乎是失踪的奥勒精心策划的。在陌生的土地上,在陌生的人群中,徒步旅行者面临着一项他们起初不想承担,后来又无法完成的任务。