



    • 主演: 汤姆·汉克斯


    When seventeen others turned down the Unitarian Association's request for relief volunteers, Waitstill and Martha Sharp committed to the dangerous mission. "Defying the Nazis: The Sharps' War" is the story of their humanitarian work and the effect it had on their lives. The Sharp's left their two young children behind in Wellesley, Massachusetts an【ZiYuanTun.Com】d traveled to Czechoslovakia to aid refugees just as war was about to break out in Europe. While abroad, they combated political and social legislation, breaking laws in order to get imperiled individuals exit visas. From involvement with black market, money laundering, to the clandestine transportation of refugees, the Sharps played a vital role in the rescue of Jews and dissidents from persecution. The film features interviews with the refugees rescued as children, now adults, who were taken to America by Martha Sharp, and interviews with family members. These personal stories highlight the impact of social change and the effect of the ...   译文(2): 当其他17人拒绝了一神论协会的救援志愿者的请求时,维特斯蒂尔和玛莎 · 夏普承诺了这个危险的任{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。《反抗纳粹: 夏普斯战争》讲述了他们的人道主义工作及其对他们生活的影响。夏普一家把两个年幼的孩子留在了韦尔斯利,前往捷克斯洛伐克帮助难民,当时欧洲战争即将爆发。在国外,他们与政治和社会立法作斗争,违反法律,以获得危险人物的出境签证。从参与黑市、洗钱,到秘密运送难民,夏普斯在拯救犹太人和异见人士免受迫害方面发挥了至关重要的作用。影片采访了被玛莎 · 夏普(Martha Sharp)带到美国的儿童时期获救的难民,现在他们已经成年,还采访了他们的家庭成员。这些个人故事突出了社会变革的影响和社会变革的影响。

