Pearl is a typical sixteen-year-old vampire. Fond of blood, allergic to the sun, and generally pretty evil. But after a mysterious attack leaves her able to survive in the daylight, everything changes. Pearl's powerful family soon finds a way to take advantage of her new ability: they send Pearl to high school, to gather fresh young blood for an upcoming feast in honor of the Vampire King. The only problem? Pearl's starting to grow a conscience. How can she serve up her new friends -- especially the cute guy who makes her fangs ache -- to be slaughtered? Then again, she's definitely dead if she lets her family down. What's a sun-loving vamp to do? 译文(2): 珀尔是一个典型的十六岁吸血{资源屯}。嗜血,对阳光过敏,还很邪恶。但是在一次神秘的袭击让她能够在白天生存之后,一切都变了。珍珠的强大的家庭很快找到了一个方法来利用她的新能力: 他们送珍珠高中,收集新鲜的年轻血液为即将到来的盛宴,以纪念吸血鬼国王。唯一的问题?Pearl 开始良心发现了。她怎么能供出她的新朋友尤其是那个让她牙疼的帅哥[ZiYuantun.Com],让他们被屠杀呢?再说了,如果她让家人失望,她肯定死定了。一个喜欢阳光的吸血鬼能做什么?