The Bag Girls

The Bag Girls



    • 主演: 贾马尔·伍拉德阿马尔.尼莫


    Twenty-seven-year-old Deandrea Smith, wife of prominent business owner Walter Smith, deals with his treacherous actions causing her to become destitute and enraged with revenge. Deandrea confides in her best friend, Nola, an exotic dancer, and they recruit two more women, Crystal, a religious single mother, and Daisy, a street thug, to help them execute a plan to steal $50,000 from Walter. After the successful theft from Walter, the group decides to try their fortune at bigger spoils and come up with a plan to rob Nola's place of employment, the strip club, dubbing themselves, The Bag Girls. Gaining notoriety, The Bag Girls are hired to do a job that's way over their head when they're put up against the Cuban mafia.   译文(2): 27岁的迪安德莉亚 · 史密斯是著名企业主沃尔特 · 史密斯的妻子,她正在处理他的背信弃义行为,这些行为导致她陷入贫困,并被复仇激{资源屯}。迪安德莉亚向她最好的朋友,脱衣舞娘诺拉倾诉,他们又招募了两个女人,克里斯托,一个虔诚的单身母亲,和黛西,一个街头暴徒,来帮助他们执行一个计划,从沃尔特那里偷走5万美元。在成功偷走沃尔特的东西之后,这个组织决定试试他们的财[ZiYuantun.Com]富,想出一个计划来抢劫诺拉工作的地方,脱衣舞俱乐部,自称“袋女孩”。背包女郎因此声名狼藉,她们被雇来对付古巴黑手党,这是一项超出她们能力范围的工作。


