After being stood up by her partner Brad, Rachel soon meets Michael and his teenage daughter Sophia. During Christmas Eve pagean{Ziyuantun.Com}t rehearsals, Sophia finds herself challenged to hit the high note in her solo of "Hark. The Herald Angels Sing." Rachel offers to coach Sophia's performance and discovers a new interest in Michael. 译文(2): 在被伴侣布拉德放鸽子之后,瑞秋很快就遇到了迈克尔和他十几岁的女儿索菲{资源屯}。在平安夜的选美彩排中,索菲娅发现自己要挑战自己在独奏《听》中唱出最高音。先驱天使歌唱”蕾切尔提出指导索菲娅的表演,并发现了迈克尔的新兴趣。