On 26 October 1997, Australian National University student Anu Singh killed her boyfriend, Joe Cinque, by lacing his coffee with Rohypnol and injecting him with heroin at a dinner party where some of the guests had heard about the plan to murder Cinque. Despite this, none of them warned him. 译文(3): 1997年10月26日,澳大利亚国立大学学生阿努·辛格在一次晚宴上杀死了她的男朋友乔·辛克,在他[ZiYuantun.Com]的咖啡里加入了罗希普诺,并给他注射了海洛因,一些客人听说了谋杀辛克的计{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。尽管如此,他们都没有警告过他。