Puppy Love

Puppy Love




    When single mom Megan Nolan moves to a new town, she feels guilty for uprooting her ten-year-old daughter Caitlin. Seeing that the little gi【ZiYuanTun.Com】rl's only friend is a neighbor's dog, Megan decides to adopt a shelter pet for Caitlin. She immediately regrets her decision when Caitlin gravitates to the biggest, sloppiest dog in the pound, Jake. Megan's beautiful new home is now in shambles and, as Megan considers returning Jake to the shelter, handsome ballplayer Ben shows up claiming Jake is his dog, the regrettable outcome of his roommate leaving a gate open. Megan and Ben butt heads. Ben wants to take his dog and leave, until he sees that Caitlin loves Jake as much as he ever could. Now it is clear: the pound puppy everyone loves deserves no less than joint custody.   译文(2): 当单身母亲梅根 · 诺兰搬到一个新的城镇时,她为把10岁的女儿凯特琳连根拔起而感到内{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。看到小女孩唯一的朋友是邻居家的狗,梅根决定给凯特琳领养一只收容所宠物。当凯特琳被动物收容所里最大最邋遢的狗杰克吸引时,她立刻后悔了自己的决定。梅根漂亮的新家现在一片狼藉,当梅根考虑把杰克送回收容所时,英俊的棒球运动员本出现了,声称杰克是他的狗,这是他室友没关门造成的令人遗憾的结果。梅根和本撞在了一起。本想带着他的狗离开,直到他看到凯特琳尽他所能地爱杰克。现在很清楚了: 每个人都喜欢的小狗应该得到共同监护权。

