


类型: 电影 美国 2020

豆瓣ID:35209865 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt13097240 IMDb评分:4.0

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:外星人编年史:顶级UFO遭遇WEB-1080P下载 外星人编年史:顶级UFO遭遇免费下载 外星人编年史:顶级UFO遭遇 

时长:70 分钟

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Aliens and UFOs are more real than ever before. Thousands of sightings by highly credible witnesses worldwide cannot be denied. The big question is not whether the Aliens are here among us, monitoring us, perhaps preparing us for some kind of end game that will change humanity forever, but why is the government and military still denying the fact that we are not alone? While many of the sightings every year are debunked, it's the ones that defy description, obliter[ZiYuantun.Com]ate our notions of physics and science and exhibit other worldly capabilities beyond our grasp. The mind blowingly bizarre and most mysterious Alien Encounters of all, these are the cases we call Alien Chronicles.   译文(2): 外星人和 UFO 比以往任何时候都更真{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。世界各地高度可信的目击证人数以千计的目击事件是不可否认的。最大的问题不是外星人是否就在我们中间,监视着我们,也许是为了某种将永远改变人类的终极游戏做准备,而是为什么政府和军方仍然否认我们并不孤单的事实?虽然每年都有许多目击事件被揭穿,但这些事件无法描述,抹杀了我们对物理和科学的概念,展示了我们无法掌握的其他世俗能力。奇异而神秘的外星人遭遇记录,我们称之为《外星人编年史》。

