简介:A child possessed. An exorcist locked in combat with an anci{Ziyuantun.Com}ent evil. In the battle for saving a soul, just who really is the 'Hostage to the Devil'? 译文(2): 一个被附身的孩子。一个与古老邪恶作战的驱魔人。在拯救灵魂的战斗中,谁才是“魔鬼的人质”?
A child possessed. An exorcist locked in combat with an anci{Ziyuantun.Com}ent evil. In the battle for saving a soul, just who really is the 'Hostage to the Devil'? 译文(2): 一个被附身的孩{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一个与古老邪恶作战的驱魔人。在拯救灵魂的战斗中,谁才是“魔鬼的人质”?
A child possessed. An exorcist locked in combat with an anci{Ziyuantun.Com}ent evil. In the battle for saving a soul, just who really is the 'Hostage to the Devil'? 译文(2): 一个被附身的孩{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一个与古老邪恶作战的驱魔人。在拯救灵魂的战斗中,谁才是“魔鬼的人质”?