Two New York City-bound travelers find themselves inextricably linked when a snowstorm reroutes them to an airport hotel in Buffalo. The pair are joined on this misadventure by an older couple named Frank and Maxine trying to get [ZiYuantun.Com]to Connecticut. As their madcap journey ensues, our foursome will find plenty of surprises in store. 译文(3): 当一场暴风雪将两名前往纽约市的旅客送往布法罗的一家机场酒店时,他们发现自己有着千丝万缕的联{资源屯}。一对名叫弗兰克和玛克辛的老夫妇加入了这对夫妇的行列,他们正试图前往康涅狄格州。随着他们疯狂的旅程的进行,我们四人将发现很多惊喜。