The Mindfulness Movement

The Mindfulness Movement



    • 主演: 丹·哈里斯


    From Executive Producers Jewel and Deepak Chopra, "The Mindfulness Movement" is a feature document{Ziyuantun.Com}ary that profiles the growing number of people throughout society who are working to create a healthier, happier world by spreading mindfulness - a peaceful quality of attention anyone can develop by simply focusing on the present moment in a non-judgmental way. This inspiring and informative film reveals the emotionally compelling stories of four main characters who used mindfulness to transform their lives (Jewel, Dan Harris, Sharon Salzberg and George Mumford), and brings audiences to the many places where mindfulness is already helping to improve society, including schools (from inner-cities to Harvard Business School), Fortune 500 companies, police forces, prisons, network newsrooms, neuroscience laboratories, therapist offices, sports teams, military veterans groups and the health care industry. Audiences will discover how mindfulness can change themselves, their relationships, their communities and the entire world for the better. And they'll even have a chance to close their eyes and practice during two brief guided meditations led by well-known mindfulness experts.   译文(3): 来自执行制片人Jewel和Deepak Chopra;正念运动;是一部专题纪录片,讲述了全社会越来越多的人通过传播正念来创造一个更健康、更幸福的世{资源屯}。正念是一种任何人都可以通过简单地以非评判的方式关注当下来培养的平静的注意力。这部鼓舞人心、内容丰富的电影揭示了四位主角(朱厄尔、丹·哈里斯、莎伦·萨尔茨伯格和乔治·芒福德)用正念改变生活的感人故事,并将观众带到了正念已经帮助改善社会的许多地方,包括学校(从市中心到哈佛商学院)、财富500强公司,警察部队、监狱、网络新闻编辑室、神经科学实验室、治疗师办公室、运动队、退伍军人团体和医疗保健行业。观众将发现正念是如何让自己、人际关系、社区和整个世界变得更好的。在知名正念专家的带领下,他们甚至有机会闭上眼睛,在两次简短的冥想指导下练习。

