UFO Conspiracies : The Hidden Truth charts the US government's involvement with UFO phenomenon from 1947 to the present day. Featuring rare classified footage, expert interviews, images and recordings it uncovers the investigations, cover-ups and the recent astonishing revelation o【ZiYuanTun.Com】f a secret 20 million dollar UFO research program. 译文(2): UFO 阴谋: 隐藏的真相描绘了从1947年至今美国政府与 UFO 现象的关{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。它以罕见的机密录像,专家访谈,图片和录音为特色,揭露了调查,掩盖和最近惊人地揭露了一个价值2000万美元的秘密 UFO 研究项目。