The longest day of the year in Neverland has finally arrived. Festivities are being organized by the Red Skins and celebrations are underway. To get the best of the day filled with fun and folly, the traditional Pichipock games have been organized for the lost boys, Native Tribes, Peter, Tinker bell and the darling family. Tired of defeats, Captain Hook realizes that the longest day could turn in his favor, and comes up with a web of wicked plans to make Peter and his friends surrender. He decides to tamper with the dangers lurking in cursed swamps and the golden temple. From plotting to kidnap Princess Tiger Lilly, to snatching away the treasured egg of the Choombaas - From convincing the evil Synapse to join f[ZiYuantun.Com]orces with him, to unleashing the dastardly door of nightmares. Hook has planned it all. Determined not to be defeated, hook seems to be one step ahead of Peter this time. So imagine, what would happen if Hook finally gets his hands on the book of Neverland and figure out a way to destroy the flying Peter Pan and Tinker? Will Peter and his friends be able to save Neverland from the united forces of evil, and fulfill the prophecy of the Neverbook? 译文(2): Neverland 一年中最漫长的一天终于到来{资源屯}。红皮肤组织正在组织庆祝活动,庆祝活动正在进行中。为了让这一天充满乐趣和愚蠢,我们为迷路的男孩、土著部落、彼得、廷克贝尔和达令一家人组织了传统的披头士游戏。厌倦了失败,胡克船长意识到最长的一天可能会对他有利,于是想出了一系列邪恶的计划来迫使彼得和他的朋友们投降。他决定破坏潜伏在被诅咒的沼泽和金殿中的危险。从密谋绑架老虎莉莉公主,到抢走乔姆巴斯的宝贝蛋——从说服邪恶的突触与他联手,到打开噩梦之门。Hook 都计划好了。铁了心不被打败 Hook 这次似乎领先 Peter 一步。所以想象一下,如果虎克最终得到了《 Neverland 之书》 ,并找到了摧毁飞行的彼得 · 潘和廷克的方法,会发生什么?彼得和他的朋友们能否将梦幻岛从邪恶的联合势力手中拯救出来,并实现梦幻之书的预言?