
主演:亚历山大·德雷蒙 莱斯丽-安·布莱德 埃里克·拉雷·哈维 迈克尔·亚历山大·米勒 菲利普·爱德华·范·利尔 


类型: 剧情 电影 美国 2018

豆瓣ID:26576868 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt3329456 IMDb评分:5.5

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:心锁铁窗HDTV下载 心锁铁窗免费下载 心锁铁窗 


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Lee Haze has his sights set on escape. Even though he's only seven months deep into a twenty-year sentence at Heartlock Correctional Facility, he can already feel the outside world leaving him behind. As he plots his break out, Lee realizes his best shot at freedom is to master the art of "ducking," a specialized form of prison manipulation in which an inmate befriends a flawed guard whose improprieties can eventually be used as blackmail. Lee comes to learn that ducking is how drugs slip into prisons and, on occasion, how inmates slip out, leading him to seek out the only man who can teach him this dark craft, Continental, a convict who kills as easily as he smiles. Carving out his place in Continental's crooked labyrinth of curried favors and b【ZiYuanTun.Com】lood, Lee sets his sights on Tera Sharpe, a rookie guard whose tough skin hides an underlying vulnerability. All Lee needs to do now is exploit it. However, as his machinations escalate, Lee begins to fall for Tera, jeopardizing his original plan. Will he betray the woman he loves to be free, or will he find freedom in love?   译文(2): 李 · 海兹的目标是越{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。尽管他在 Heartlock 监狱的二十年刑期只有七个月,但他已经能感觉到外面的世界把他抛在了身后。在密谋越狱的过程中,李意识到自己获得自由的最佳机会就是掌握“躲避”的艺术。“躲避”是一种监狱操纵的特殊形式,在这种形式中,囚犯与一名有缺陷的狱警交朋友,而这名狱警的不当行为最终可能被用作敲诈勒索。李逐渐了解到,躲避是毒品如何进入监狱,有时是囚犯如何溜出监狱,这让他找到了唯一一个可以教他这种黑暗手段的人,大陆,一个杀人如鱼得水的罪犯。在大陆弯曲迷宫般的咖喱人情和鲜血中,李开拓了自己的位置,他将目光投向了特拉 · 夏普(Tera Sharpe) ,一个新秀后卫,坚韧的皮肤隐藏着潜在的弱点。李现在要做的就是利用它。然而,随着他的阴谋升级,李开始爱上泰拉,破坏了他原来的计划。他会背叛他所爱的女人获得自由,还是会在爱情中找到自由?

