



    • 主演: 凯文·伊斯特曼斯坦·李乔治·马丁


    After attending a local comic book convention, three filmmakers are so moved by the stories shared with them by cosplayers that they decide to investigate geek culture even further. Attending other conventions across the country and speaking with legendary creators such as Kevin Eastman, Stan Lee and George R.R. Martin, the trio not only begins to find answers to why people gravitate towards superheroes and stories about superheroes, but how being a geek could help them live deeper, richer lives. Geek, and You Shall Find t[ZiYuantun.Com]ells the stories behind the creation of several popular stories including Superman, Star Wars, Game of Thrones and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In sharing how these characters and their worlds came to be, creators reveal how often they have been inspired by real-life social ills. Most importantly, by continuing to speak with fans who have been inspired by these creations, this film reveals how superheroes have the potential to combat these social issues as well.   译文(2): 在参加了当地的一个漫画大会后,三位电影制作人被 Coser 与他们分享的故事深深打动,他们决定进一步研究极客文{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。参加全国各地的其他会议,并与凯文 · 伊斯曼(Kevin Eastman)、斯坦 · 李(Stan Lee)和乔治 · R · R · 马丁(George R.R。 Martin)等传奇创作者交谈,这三人不仅开始寻找为什么人们会被超级英雄和超级英雄故事吸引的答案,而且开始寻找极客如何能够帮助他们过上更深入、更丰富的生活。《极客,你会发现》讲述了几个流行故事背后的故事,包括《超人》、《星球大战》、《权力的游戏》和《忍者龟》。通过分享这些角色和他们的世界是如何形成的,创作者们揭示了他们是多么频繁地受到现实生活中社会弊病的启发。最重要的是,通过继续与受到这些作品启发的粉丝交谈,这部电影揭示了超级英雄是如何有潜力与这些社会问题作斗争的。

