



    • 主演: 未知


    FULL MOON'S BUNKER OF BLOOD sceams open for its seventh and penultimate episode. This time we're not clowinging around as we drage The Gore Collector and his eerie entourage into the cotton candy-colored guts of KILLJOY'S CARNAGE CARAVAN, a three-ring circus of freaky frights and evil effluvia. In between the very walls of time itself, the sinister group of Draconian doctors known only as the Circle of Psycho Surgeons contines to perform horrific experiments on unwitting subjects. But one of their tormented "patients" has returned for revenge. Now, The Gore Collector, and his mulitiversal traveling companions, Molly and Tape Head, have finally uncovered the whereabouts of the Psycho Surgeons and get set to exact the bloodiest of revenge. But what does this mean for The Gore Collector himself? qigou.cc As he returns to where it all started - the Bunker of Blood - he will find out what this splatter-soaked road trip across a fevered nightmarescape has REALLY done to his mind AND body. KILLJOY'S CARNAGE CARAVAN comes armed to the grease-painted gills with outrageous scenes from far-out Full Moon classics like KILLJOY 3, KILLJOY GOES TO HELL and KILLJOY'S PSCYHO CIRCUS and also jams in some of the st【ZiYuanTun.Com】rangest sequences from the other clown-centric cult films like EVIL BONG 666 and much more. Get ready to lose what's left of your mind and enter KILLJOY'S CARNAGE CARAVAN if you dare.   译文(3): 《满月的血狱》第七集也是倒数第二集开{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这一次,当我们把戈尔收藏家和他诡异的随行人员拖进KILLJOY‘S CARNAGE CARAVAN的棉花糖色内脏时,我们并不是在开玩笑,这是一个由怪异的恐惧和邪恶的恶臭组成的三环马戏团。在时间本身的墙之间,一群被称为“心理外科医生圈”的邪恶的德拉科医生继续对不知情的受试者进行可怕的实验。但他们备受折磨的“;患者”;回来报仇了。现在,戈尔收藏家和他的多年旅伴莫莉和磁带头终于找到了精神外科医生的下落,并准备进行最血腥的报复。但这对戈尔收藏家本人意味着什么?qigou.cc当他回到一切开始的地方——血堡时,他会发现这场穿越狂热噩梦的公路旅行对他的身心造成了什么影响。KILLJOY’S CARNAGE CARAVAN以《KILLJOY3》、《KILLYOY GOES to HELL》和《KILLJUY’S PSCYHO CIRCUS》等遥远的满月经典电影中的令人发指的场景武装在涂满油脂的鳃上,还穿插了其他以小丑为中心的邪典电影中的一些最奇怪的镜头,如《邪恶的BONG666》等。准备好失去你剩下的东西,如果你敢的话,进入KILLJOY的CARNAGE CARAVAN。

